I specialise in backend development, so I don’t have any flashy websites or designs to show, but here’s some of the work that I’m more proud of.
Open Source Software
A* Algorithm in PHP
This A* algorithm implementation has the following characteristics:
- Works with any PHP version starting with PHP 5.3.
- Written using object orientation.
- Fully tested: 100% code coverage using PHPUnit.
- A Continuous Integration server and a Code Quality Tool have been set up.
- Easily installable by using Composer.
- Follows semantic versioning.
- Uses Docker for local development.
- Ease of use: just a few steps are required to make it work.

Symfony is my favourite PHP framework, and since it is open source, I have made several contributions to its source code. I like to brag about that one time where my additions to the Stopwatch component were mentioned in the official Symfony blog.
What kind of developer would I be if I didn’t have a GitHub account?
Proprietary Software
SkySports Germany
During my time in SkySports, I worked on several different parts of their infrastructure. I spent a significant amount of time working on the German version of SkySports.

NHS e-Referral Service
I have worked in several NHS projects, and the most ambitious was the e-Referral Service: a group of secure applications that provides patients with a choice of hospitals and clinics when booking appointments, allows GPs to refer patients to a specialist whilst providing clinical assessment support, as well as other administration tasks, such as reporting, auditing, tracking, and so on.